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One Team, One Goal

Adit Gupta
Adit Gupta
1 min read
One Team, One Goal
A dissonant team, lacking the structured harmony, melody, and rhythm, resembles noise rather than a coordinated effort.

When we work as a team, it's crucial to discuss and debate, but more important is to support the final decision—a decision reinforced by user research, business needs, metrics, and compelling rationale based on interaction design principles. The only winner should be the customer.

I've frequently observed teams arguing and pointing fingers at each other when customers or stakeholders don't give the desired feedback:
"You should have listened to me," "If only my versions were presented to the stakeholders."
These "Only if" statements don't contribute to the team's success. The blame game has never resulted in great outcomes. If a decision is made collectively, we must stand behind it and support one another. Should there be mistakes, we recognize them together as a team and continue to iterate.

Design is inherently an iterative process. I would be more concerned with unanimous agreement on the first attempt, as true collaboration thrives on healthy debate, shared responsibility, and continuous refinement.


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